Wholesale Contract Form

Wholesale Order Contract
Minimum Order - $200 in Products
Client: ______________________________
Company Name: _______________________
Supplier’s Permitted Representative: _____________________
Mailing/Billing Address: ________________________________
Shipping Address: ____________________________________
Phone Numbers: _____________________________________
Fax Numbers: _______________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________
Website: ___________________________________________
Inordinate quantities of time required to finalize custom orders are subject to consultation fees of $50_/hour or any part of a half hour.
PACKAGING: (All “bulk” soap-i.e. logs or bulk chunks come packaged in stretch wrap and are labeled with the ingredients and the soaps final weight after curing). Plain bars are stacked in waxed “deli” sheets and stretch wrap to keep scents distinct should more than one scented is ordered.
SHIPPING/HANDLING: Our preferred shipping carrier at this time is USPS. We use USPS Priority shipping, unless a specified quicker mode of shipping is requested by USPS. On all orders, the cost of packaging materials is included in the shipping total, as well as a handling fee on larger orders that can often require days to pack.
NEED-BY DATE: _____________________________
Subject to estimated timeline that depends on size of order, requirements of special ordering of any ingredients, timely receipt of payment or transfer of funds, etc. Please inquire about a quote on a specific order. Also, be aware that high production times such as the winter holiday season may delay production and shipping times – please plan ahead and order early!
ESTIMATED READY-TO-SHIP DATE: ___________________________ (provided by Supplier)
Estimated or projected updates on order status can be emailed or phoned to you if current payment date/receipt is unknown. “Ready” dates are subject to change due to availability/delivery of ingredients required for large, custom or special orders. In some circumstances, our suppliers become backlogged/delayed, especially around federal holidays, and this can delay production/completion schedules. Each projected order “ready-date” is unique as orders are received and priorities scheduled. Please keep in mind that it can be difficult to generalize timelines.
PLANNED METHOD OF PAYMENT: _____________________ (Please indicate mail/transfer date)
Credit card payments on orders over $500.00, or on international orders without the approval of Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc. A certified or cashier’s check is recommended and acceptable. This will speed payment finalization and initiation of production. Make checks payable to: Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc.
- Production on an order will begin following verified/cleared payment and upon obtaining large-quantity supplies (if not readily available – some large/bulk orders require quantities of ingredients larger than may be in stock). Ordering these supplies for large/bulk or custom orders can take 7 – 10 working/USPS shipping days to arrive at the production facility to complete order (subject to our supplier’s schedule). All orders will ship before or close to customer’s requesting date as possible.
- Once the order has been placed and payment received/cleared, major alterations or subtractions cannot be accommodated as production has begun on order. With large-quantity orders, ingredients specific to it will utilize a major portion of payment. Once ingredients are ordered, they cannot be returned.
I understand and agree to the commitment. I will not subtract or create major alterations to an order. INITIAL: ____________
- Weather can play a factor in the production/curing of soap and some bath and body products. Hot humid months can potentially delay schedules. Plan initial orders or re-stocking needs accordingly with this potential factor in mind.
- If requested, the progression or status of the order can be posted. Please provide FULL contact information: PHONE, FAX, EMAIL (best way to be reached – and preferred method). Our preferred method of contact is via email as it can be accomplished quickly and submits an in-writing transaction for record keeping.
- RE: CUSTOM ORDERS: There are no guarantees on previously un-tried “custom” ingredients/scents or customer-provided ingredients. It is strongly recommended that you order test batches prior to ordering large quantities of custom soaps/bath and body products. If any complications result from untried ingredients requested by the customer, the customer is responsible for payment of that order and/or test batches.
- RE: SOAP DESIGNS: Handmade soap designs are an artistry that cannot be duplicated exactly or identically for each batch/order. Variations in color intensity, design of swirls, color chunks are all subject to variation and is part of the beauty and nature of “handmade”. If the usual and customary designs in soaps/bath and body products are altered in any significant way, an attempt will be made to notify the significant parties involved at that time.
- Shipment will occur once the order has been completed and verified by Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc Once the product is ordered and payment has cleared, the order then belongs to the customer who requested and paid for the order (it belongs to you). Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc is not responsible for orders that are associated with pre-arranged (your trucking/transit company). Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc will not be responsible for any pick-up arrangements that are delayed or left beyond a scheduled pick-up date “and” as it applies to the scheduled completion/delivery date. Due to space limitations and constant production, completed and ready-to-go orders cannot be stored indefinitely.
- All handmade soap/bath and body products are sensitive to extreme heat. Do not leave product stored or displayed in hot, sunny locations. This can cause the product (in humid conditions) to “sweat” which can potentially cause microbe growth (soap - if enclosed in air-tight wrapping such as shrink/plastic wrap or cello bags). Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc is not responsible for degradation of the product that occurs as a result of storage in heat that does not occur at our facility. Our facility is an air-controlled environment and all product is shipped out in inspected and approved optimal condition. Bulk soap may be shipped early (cure-wise) for ease of cutting on the customer’s end; air-out immediately upon receipt on racks or ventilated shelving.
- Product shelf life is subject to many factors, including heat (above note), exposure to air, dirt, customer handling, etc. On bulk soap, it is recommended to keep “cured” logs (aged 2+ weeks) wrapped in stretch/plastic wrap (leave an end exposed as continued exposure to air promotes continuous soap curing), waxed “deli” sheet-wrapped and/or cello bagged bars are fully cured prior to shipping. Soap will last longer when fully cured and is less likely to “melt away” too quickly. Most scents (well packaged) should have a strong scent retention of 3 to 4 months and may begin to fade thereafter. Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc is not responsible for soap/bath and body products with any signs of rancidity (brown spotting, mold growth, or foul odor) that occurs after leaving the facility in shipment as conditions of stored and/or handled product cannot be verified. It is recommended to leave “tester products” out for your customers rather than leave all product available for ready-access handling. Shelf life of product should be indefinite if properly stored, cared for, (albeit over time). All scents eventually fade to some degree as can colors, but product integrity (lather, cleaning power, etc.) remains.
- All product is inspected carefully by Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc staff upon completion of orders and prior to shipping. Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc is not responsible for any damages sustained to product shipments by any appointed pick-up person(s) or method of transfer that you may choose to use aside from our chosen carrier, USPS.
- If damage is sustained via a USPS shipment, KEEP ALL SHIPPING MATERIALS and report the damage to your USPS delivery person IMMEDIATELY! Please have the tracking number on-hand! Call Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc immediately as well. A shipping representative or your delivery person(s) will inspect the package damaged and file a damage claims report. USPS insurance can replace the value of the shipment. If the shipment is damaged beyond use, Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc will make every attempt to replace the order with stock on-hand product to continue the smooth flow of your product needs once photos of damaged product has been submitted (subject to in-stock or availability of “custom” [if needed] ingredients and production time to replace order.
- In the event your order is requested to Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc at an extremely busy period and cannot be fulfilled (applies to unusually large-quantity orders) in an optimally timely manner, please attempt to project a future date feasible for us to handle the order.
- In the event Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc experiences personal tragedy, health problems, or death while your product order is in production, our designated plan will be to contact you via a representative of the company, to explain the state of affairs, offer a prorated refund (money) of the portion not yet produced/created and forward any previously created portion as per terms of shipping/pick-up arrangements.
- Due to the handmade natural aspect of our products, Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc does not accept product/shipment returns, nor issue credits or refunds of our products. If there is a problem that you believe is our responsibility, you or your receiving appointee must report it to us immediately upon receiving/inspecting your shipment. We would require that all or a portion of the defective product be returned to us for our assessment/evaluation of the problem to determine of the product requires replacement at our expense. Shipping of returned product will be paid for by Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc. Our goal is to always provide only the absolute finest quality of handmade soap/bath & body products to our customers at all times. Dissatisfaction with a chosen scent or color does not constitute reason for product return based on grounds of being “defective”.
- If you choose to private label our products with your own company label, you agree to abide by FDA labeling requirements (information provided to you by Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc). Failure on your part to adequately, correctly, and truthfully adhere to FDA labeling requirements is your responsibility and liability, not covered under Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc liability insurance. INITIALS: __________
You agree that you will not allege to consumers that you, nor appointees, manufactured these products independently. INITIAL: _____________
I have read the above wholesale contract and agree to all points stated. I have completed all spaces requiring information or initials, or I have indicated that I require further discussion/information from Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc.
_________________________ __________________________ _____________
Signature Printed Name Date
Return completed and signed contract to: Just SPLURGE Bath & Body, Inc, Inc
2070 Scrub Oak Rd
Mason, TN 38049
(901) 294-2108